Vile Tao Tie


can Inherit CommonBreathGazeThrustBiteNeedleConversation
not Inherit WingClawWeaponMaiden

Tao Tie's Commentary

A monster feared in Chinese mythology.
This gargoyle-like creature has a never-ending appetite that allows it to eat everything it sees.
It has come to represent greed.

Demons of the same race as Tao Tie

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Vile 83 Mada 678 312 30 21 30 14 16 Drain:phys Null:death Weak:curse
Vile 73 Samael 576 297 19 26 23 19 16 Repel:expel/death Weak:elec
Vile 58 Girimehkala 474 225 22 17 21 13 13 Repel:phys Null:death
Vile 45 Pazuzu 390 192 16 19 20 10 8 Null:death Weak:ice
Vile 33 Baphomet 300 150 8 17 17 9 10 Repel:death Weak:expel
Vile 30 Arahabaki 294 120 14 10 19 6 9 Repel:ice Null:phys/expel/death Weak:all other

Demons that are similar in level to Tao Tie

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Deity 65 Odin 498 270 24 25 18 17 16 Null:ice/expel Weak:force
Megami 64 Scathach 486 270 21 26 17 18 15 Null:force/expel/curse Weak:elec
Divine 64 Throne 492 258 18 22 18 15 15 Repel:expel Drn:fire Weak:ice/death
Snake 66 Yurlungur 576 246 18 16 30 9 13 Null:magic Weak:ailments
Brute 66 Fuu-Ki 516 261 18 21 20 19 11 Null:force/death
Night 66 Black Frost 474 270 24 24 13 16 24 Repel:fire/death Drn:ice Null:expel Res:phys
Entity 64 Albion 534 252 25 20 25 10 16 Null:phys/ice/expel
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