Equipment Search Tool

Tap the category you want to search in the menu above. 日本語版のページはこちら。

About Weapon Search

For guns and bullets, the tool displays the combined performance of the specified gun and bullet. "Power" is the sum of both, with guns handling "Hit," "Hits," and "Target," while bullets handle "Element" and "Effect."

The "Expected" calculates the expected damage for the specified "St" (or "Dx" in the case of guns). Since stats and power are additive in this game, you need to specify the stats to calculate the expected value.

"Hit" represents the accuracy, and "Hits" indicate the number of attacks.

Weapons do not include stat bonuses for HP, MP, and other stats.

Swords only have physical attributes.

About Armor Search

In this game, there is no concept of defense points; damage is determined solely by attribute resists.

Head Equipments comes with HP and stat bonuses.

Upper Body Equipments includes HP and attribute resists.

Lower Body Equipments mainly features HP and Agility. Some equipment also includes other stat bonuses.

Accessories focus on MP and passive skills. Some accessories include stat bonuses, attribute resists, and immunity to status ailments.

Powered by Yamada Megane