Divine Dominion


can Inherit CommonWingGazeNeedleConversation
not Inherit BreathThrustBiteClawWeaponMaiden

Dominion's Commentary

The fourth of the nine orders of angels.
Their duty is to oversee the other angels.
It is said that the success or failure of a nation is decided by this order.

Demons of the same race as Dominion

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Divine 64 Throne 492 258 18 22 18 15 15 Repel:expel Drn:fire Weak:ice/death
Divine 41 Virtue 348 174 12 17 17 8 7 Repel:expel Weak:force/death
Divine 33 Power 294 123 16 8 16 7 6 Repel:expel Weak:death/nerve
Divine 28 Principality 222 120 11 12 9 7 9 Repel:expel Weak:death/mind
Divine 18 Archangel 156 72 11 6 8 7 6 Repel:expel Weak:ice/death
Divine 11 Angel 108 54 4 7 7 7 6 Null:expel Weak:force/death

Demons that are similar in level to Dominion

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Megami 48 Sati 366 204 11 20 13 15 17 Drain:fire Repel:expel Weak:ice
Kishin 52 Jikoku 426 204 21 16 19 11 12 Repel:ice Null:expel Weak:fire
Yoma 52 Efreet 402 225 15 23 15 14 9 Drain:fire Weak:ice
Yoma 48 Purski 390 189 19 15 17 9 12 Null:force/expel Weak:elec
Jirae 49 Titan 396 177 21 10 17 8 13 Null:force Weak:elec
Femme 52 Dakini 414 189 21 11 17 13 10 Resist:fire Weak:ice
Tyrant 52 Loki 432 216 16 20 20 12 16 Resist:phys/magic/ailments
Haunt 49 Legion 420 180 19 11 21 9 9 Repel:death Weak:elec/expel
Foul 52 Shadow 420 216 10 20 18 16 8 Null:death Res:phys Weak:force/expel
Genma 52 Cu Chulainn 414 201 21 15 17 14 15 Repel:force Null:expel
Fiend 52 White Rider 408 207 23 17 16 18 13 Null:fire/expel/death/ailments
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