Wilder Mothman


can Inherit CommonBreathWingGazeThrustClawNeedle
not Inherit BiteWeaponMaidenConversation

Mothman's Commentary

A mysterious, unidentified being that was spotted in West Virginia around the 1960's.
It was regarded as a parody of a popular superhero at the time.

Demons of the same race as Mothman

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Wilder 75 Hresvelgr 564 285 20 20 19 25 11 Repel:ice Null:death Weak:fire
Wilder 31 Nue 258 120 14 9 12 8 8 Null:ice/death Weak:fire
Wilder 25 Raiju 204 120 8 15 9 8 5 Drain:elec Null:death Weak:force
Wilder 15 Bicorn 150 63 10 6 10 5 4 Null:death Resist:ailments Weak:elec
Wilder 6 Zhen 72 36 4 6 6 5 5 Null:death Resist:ailments Weak:fire

Demons that are similar in level to Mothman

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Fury 44 Dionysus 354 192 16 20 15 13 15 Null:fire/expel/death Weak:ice
Holy 43 Baihu 348 153 19 8 15 17 8 Null:ice/expel Weak:fire
Yoma 44 Jinn 342 189 14 19 13 14 8 Drain:force Weak:nerve
Fairy 43 Setanta 378 165 17 12 20 12 6 Repel:force Weak:curse/nerve
Brute 44 Ikusa 342 177 17 15 13 9 10 Null:nerve Weak:force
Femme 43 Yaksini 348 162 17 11 15 11 9 Null:force Weak:elec
Foul 42 Phantom 336 177 9 17 14 15 7 Null:death Res:phys Weak:force/expel
Dragon 44 Long 396 171 15 13 22 9 11 Drain:ice Null:expel Weak:fire
Fiend 42 Hell Biker 336 168 17 14 14 17 10 Drain:force Null:fire/expel/death/ailments
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