Jirae Kodama


can Inherit CommonThrustNeedleConversation
not Inherit BreathWingGazeBiteClawWeaponMaiden

List of damage of Kodama's skills

Name Element Cost Damage Range Description
Attack Physical 15 Single Skill Enemy-only
Zan Force MP3 Single Type: Force Light damage 1 enemy
Lunge Physical HP10% Single Type: Physical Light damage 1 enemy

To calculate the other damages of Odin's skills can deal, see Kodama's page on the Damage Calculator for Demons.

You can calculate the damage of all the inheritable skills and see a list of them. The tool can also calculate and simulate status growth considering the level increases, based on each demon's growth rate.

Demons of the same race as Kodama

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Jirae 55 Gogmagog 456 207 22 14 21 7 14 Null:phys/ice/death Weak:fire
Jirae 49 Titan 396 177 21 10 17 8 13 Null:force Weak:elec
Jirae 35 Sarutahiko 312 126 18 7 17 7 6 Null:expel/death Weak:nerve
Jirae 13 Sudama 96 60 7 7 3 8 8 Resist:force Weak:fire
Jirae 5 Hua Po 60 30 4 5 5 6 5 Resist:fire Weak:ice

Demons that are similar in level to Kodama

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Fairy 2 Pixie 36 24 3 6 4 2 7 Resist:elec
Jirae 5 Hua Po 60 30 4 5 5 6 5 Resist:fire Weak:ice
Brute 4 Shikigami 48 27 5 5 4 5 5 Repel:elec Weak:fire
Wilder 6 Zhen 72 36 4 6 6 5 5 Null:death Resist:ailments Weak:fire
Haunt 4 Preta 54 24 5 4 5 6 4 Null:death Weak:magic
Foul 6 Slime 54 33 6 5 3 5 7 Null:death Res:phys Weak:fire/expel
Foul 1 Will o' Wisp 30 18 4 5 4 5 3 Null:death Res:phys Weak:magic/expel
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