Foul Slime


can Inherit CommonBreathGazeThrustBiteNeedle
not Inherit WingClawWeaponMaidenConversation

Slime's Commentary

A primitive life form made of a jelly-like substance.
Slime have no true origin, though they say these creatures enjoy collecting shiny objects.

Demons of the same race as Slime

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Foul 52 Shadow 420 216 10 20 18 16 8 Null:death Res:phys Weak:force/expel
Foul 45 Sakahagi 360 186 17 17 15 15 11 Null:expel/death/ailments
Foul 42 Phantom 336 177 9 17 14 15 7 Null:death Res:phys Weak:force/expel
Foul 28 Black Ooze 264 111 11 9 16 6 6 Null:death Res:phys Weak:elec/expel
Foul 16 Blob 156 66 8 6 10 5 7 Null:death Res:phys Weak:ice/expel
Foul 7 Mou-Ryo 66 42 6 7 4 5 5 Null:death Weak:expel
Foul 1 Will o' Wisp 30 18 4 5 4 5 3 Null:death Res:phys Weak:magic/expel

Demons that are similar in level to Slime

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Element 7 Erthys 90 36 6 5 8 4 5 Null:expel/death Weak:force
Fairy 7 Jack Frost 78 45 5 8 6 4 4 Drain:ice Weak:fire
Jirae 5 Hua Po 60 30 4 5 5 6 5 Resist:fire Weak:ice
Femme 7 Datsue-Ba 72 45 4 8 5 4 6 Null:nerve/mind Weak:elec
Wilder 6 Zhen 72 36 4 6 6 5 5 Null:death Resist:ailments Weak:fire
Foul 7 Mou-Ryo 66 42 6 7 4 5 5 Null:death Weak:expel
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