Brute Kin-Ki


can Inherit CommonBreathGazeThrustNeedleWeaponConversation
not Inherit WingBiteClawMaiden

List of damage of Kin-Ki's skills

Name Element Cost Damage Range Description
Attack Physical 179 Single Skill Enemy-only
Berserk Physical HP13% Random(5 times) Type: Physical Light damage Random enemies
Sacrifice Sacrifice HP1 Random(4 times) User sacrifices self to deal heavy dmg All enemies
Tempest Physical HP25% All Type: Physical Mid damage All enemies

To calculate the other damages of Odin's skills can deal, see Kin-Ki's page on the Damage Calculator for Demons.

You can calculate the damage of all the inheritable skills and see a list of them. The tool can also calculate and simulate status growth considering the level increases, based on each demon's growth rate.

Demons of the same race as Kin-Ki

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Brute 81 Ongyo-Ki 624 324 23 27 23 20 11 Null:phys/death/curse/mind Weak:expel
Brute 66 Fuu-Ki 516 261 18 21 20 19 11 Null:force/death
Brute 62 Sui-Ki 492 258 18 24 20 14 9 Null:ice/death Weak:fire
Brute 54 Shiki-Ouji 420 234 14 24 16 10 10 Repel:expel/death Null:phys Weak:fire
Brute 44 Ikusa 342 177 17 15 13 9 10 Null:nerve Weak:force
Brute 25 Oni 222 96 13 7 12 6 7 Resist:phys Weak:nerve
Brute 20 Momunofu 180 78 13 6 10 7 8 Resist:phys Weak:ailments
Brute 4 Shikigami 48 27 5 5 4 5 5 Repel:elec Weak:fire

Demons that are similar in level to Kin-Ki

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Fury 61 Beiji-Weng 504 255 23 24 23 14 12 Null:expel/death Res:phys Weak:fire
Lady 57 Parvati 432 240 15 23 15 16 20 Drain:fire Repel:expel Weak:ice
Fairy 57 Titania 432 240 14 23 15 12 13 Repel:expel/death Resist:magic
Fallen 58 Decarabia 450 240 15 22 17 12 12 Null:death Resist:magic
Beast 61 Cerberus 456 225 23 14 15 17 12 Repel:fire Resist:phys Weak:ice
Femme 58 Clotho 438 240 16 22 15 16 12 Null:expel/death
Vile 58 Girimehkala 474 225 22 17 21 13 13 Repel:phys Null:death
Wargod 58 Ganesha 474 237 21 21 21 12 13 Null:ice/force/expel Weak:elec
Avatar 60 Barong 456 246 22 22 16 16 14 Repel:expel Drain:elec Weak:death
Fiend 61 Black Rider 462 258 22 25 16 20 13 Drain:ice Null:expel/death/ailments
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