Snake Quetzalcoatl


can Inherit CommonBreathWingGazeThrustBiteNeedleConversation
not Inherit ClawWeaponMaiden

Quetzalcoatl's Commentary

One of the major deities of Aztecan mythology.
He is called the 'Feathered Serpent'.
He created humans by sprinkling blood on the bones of people from a previously created world.

Demons of the same race as Quetzalcoatl

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Snake 66 Yurlungur 576 246 18 16 30 9 13 Null:magic Weak:ailments
Snake 37 Raja Naga 348 138 15 9 21 8 9 Drain:elec Resist:phys Weak:fire
Snake 34 Mizuchi 318 141 12 13 19 7 7 Drain:elec Null:ice/death Weak:fire
Snake 28 Naga 264 108 13 8 16 7 8 Drain:elec Weak:fire
Snake 14 Nozuchi 144 60 11 6 10 4 7 Drain:force Weak:elec

Demons that are similar in level to Quetzalcoatl

Race Lv Name HP MP St Ma Vi Ag Lu Resists
Deity 56 Amaterasu 438 237 19 23 17 16 16 Null:fire/expel/death
Megami 54 Laksmi 414 234 14 24 15 13 16 Repel:expel Null:ailments Weak:force
Fury 54 Wu Kong 432 201 22 13 18 20 16 Null:phys/expel/death
Holy 55 Chimera 426 204 23 13 16 17 10 Drn:fire Null:expel Weak:nerve/mind
Beast 54 Sparna 408 219 13 19 14 22 11 Repel:force Null:ailments
Jirae 55 Gogmagog 456 207 22 14 21 7 14 Null:phys/ice/death Weak:fire
Brute 54 Shiki-Ouji 420 234 14 24 16 10 10 Repel:expel/death Null:phys Weak:fire
Night 56 Queen Mab 408 231 12 21 12 12 19 Resist:magic
Fiend 55 Red Rider 438 228 23 21 18 15 13 Null:elec/force/expel/death/ailments
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