Skill【Ice Breath】


Ice Breath's Skill Mutation

Neither Skill Upgrade nor Skill Change (occur to Ice Breath).

Skills Upgrades to Ice Breath

No skill upgrades to Ice Breath.

Skills change to Ice Breath

Agilao Type: Fire Mid damage 1 enemy
Bufula Type: Ice Mid damage 1 enemy
Zionga Type: Electric Mid damage 1 enemy
Zanma Type: Force Mid damage 1 enemy
Life Gain Raises MAX HP by 20%
Bright Might Phys attacks will be always critical at full Kagutsuchi
Dark Might Phys attacks will be always critical at new Kagutsuchi
Anti-Fire Decreases Fire attack damage sustained by half
Anti-Ice Decreases Ice attack damage sustained by half
Anti-Elec Decreases Elec attack damage sustained by half
Anti-Force Decreases Force attack damage sustained by half

Skills with the same attributes as Ice Breath

Bufu Type: Ice Light damage 1 enemy
Bufula Type: Ice Mid damage 1 enemy
Bufudyne Type: Ice Heavy damage 1 enemy
Mabufu Type: Ice Light damage All enemies
Mabufula Type: Ice Mid damage All enemies
Mabufudyne Type: Ice Heavy damage All enemies
Glacial Blast Type: Ice Heavy damage Random enemies
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