Skill【Force Boost】


Force Boost's Skill Mutation

Neither Skill Upgrade nor Skill Change (occur to Force Boost).

Skills Upgrades to Force Boost

No skill upgrades to Force Boost.

Skills change to Force Boost

Makajam Type: Curse, Mute 1 enemy
Stun Needle Type: Phys, Stun Light damage 1 enemy
Charm Bite Type: Phys, Charm Mid damage 1 enemy
Stun Bite Type: Phys, Stun Mid damage 1 enemy
Mana Gain Raises MAX MP by 20%
Counter Enables random counterattacks Light damage
Anti-Expel Protects against Expel attacks
Anti-Death Protects against Death attacks

Skills with the same attributes as Force Boost

Anti-Force Decreases Force attack damage sustained by half
Void Force Nullifies all Force attacks
Force Drain Absorbs all Force attacks
Force Repel Repels all Force attacks
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