

Demons to learn Mahama (Mutation)

Mutant demons often learn the same skills as the normal version, but there are some demons that only join the mutant version and some demons (High Pixie, Lilith, Queen Mab) whose skills are learned differently by the mutant and normal individuals.

Race Lv Name HP MP Learning skills Resists
Yoma 28 Karasu 234 117
  • Force:Repel
  • Curse:W150

Skills with the same attributes as Mahama

Hama Type: Expel Fatal (low odds) 1 enemy
Hamaon Type: Expel Fatal (high odds) 1 enemy
Mahamaon Type: Expel Fatal (high odds) All enemies
Godly Light Type: Expel dmg=80% user's HP All enemies
Thunderclap Type: Expel Halves current HP 1 enemy
Holy Wrath Type: Expel Halves current HP All enemies
Violet Flash Type: Expel 1 enemy
Starlight Type: Expel All enemies
Radiance Type: Expel Heavy damage All enemies
God's Bow Type: Expel Fatal, 1 enemy (very high odds)
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