

Anti-Ice's Skill Mutation

Anti-Ice Upgrades to...

Void Ice Nullifies all Ice attacks

Anti-Ice’s Skill Change candidates

Media Heals HP moderately Entire party
Makatora Shares 10 MP 1 ally
Me Patra Cures Bind/Sleep/ Panic Entire party
Makajam Type: Curse, Mute 1 enemy
Dekaja Cancels -kaja effects All enemies
Tarukaja Raises Physical attack Entire party
Makakaja Raises Magic attack Entire party
Trafuri Escapes from battle 100% success
Lightoma Lights up dark areas until new Kagutsuchi
Mighty Gust Type: Physical dmg relative to HP 1 enemy
Stun Needle Type: Phys, Stun Light damage 1 enemy
Charm Bite Type: Phys, Charm Mid damage 1 enemy
Stun Bite Type: Phys, Stun Mid damage 1 enemy
Stun Claw Type: Phys, Stun Light damage 1 enemy
Fire Breath Type: Fire Light damage Random enemies
Ice Breath Type: Ice Light damage Random enemies
Shock Type: Electric Light damage Random enemies
Wing Buffet Type: Force Light damage Random enemies
Mana Drain Drains MP 1 enemy
Fog Breath Lowers dodge/aim greatly All enemies
Focus Phys attack damage more than doubles on the next turn
Mana Gain Raises MAX MP by 20%
Counter Enables random counterattacks Light damage
Anti-Phys Decreases Phys attack damage sustained by half
Anti-Expel Protects against Expel attacks
Anti-Death Protects against Death attacks
Endure Prevents death (1 HP remaining) 1 time only
Life Refill Heals HP gradually while walking
Lucky Find Locates treasure on the World Map (random)
Charisma Raises negotiation success rate
Dark Pledge User recruits enemy Most effective at new Kagutsuchi
Detain Prevents demon from running away with items
Gonnection User becomes more persuasive with enemy of same race

Skills Upgrades to Anti-Ice

No skill upgrades to Anti-Ice.

Skills change to Anti-Ice

Hama Type: Expel Fatal (low odds) 1 enemy
Mudo Type: Death Fatal (low odds) 1 enemy
Toxic Sting Type: Phys, Poison Light damage 1 enemy
Venom Bite Type: Phys, Poison Mid damage 1 enemy
Venom Claw Type: Phys, Poison Light damage 1 enemy
Mana Bonus Raises MAX MP by 10%
Anti-Curse Protects against Curse attacks
Anti-Nerve Protects against Nerve attacks
Anti-Mind Protects against Mind attacks

Skills with the same attributes as Anti-Ice

Ice Boost Increases Ice attack damage by 50%
Void Ice Nullifies all Ice attacks
Ice Drain Absorbs all Ice attacks
Ice Repel Repels all Ice attacks
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