Media | Heals HP moderately Entire party |
Makatora | Shares 10 MP 1 ally |
Me Patra | Cures Bind/Sleep/ Panic Entire party |
Makajam | Type: Curse, Mute 1 enemy |
Dekaja | Cancels -kaja effects All enemies |
Tarukaja | Raises Physical attack Entire party |
Makakaja | Raises Magic attack Entire party |
Trafuri | Escapes from battle 100% success |
Lightoma | Lights up dark areas until new Kagutsuchi |
Mighty Gust | Type: Physical dmg relative to HP 1 enemy |
Stun Needle | Type: Phys, Stun Light damage 1 enemy |
Charm Bite | Type: Phys, Charm Mid damage 1 enemy |
Stun Bite | Type: Phys, Stun Mid damage 1 enemy |
Stun Claw | Type: Phys, Stun Light damage 1 enemy |
Fire Breath | Type: Fire Light damage Random enemies |
Ice Breath | Type: Ice Light damage Random enemies |
Shock | Type: Electric Light damage Random enemies |
Wing Buffet | Type: Force Light damage Random enemies |
Mana Drain | Drains MP 1 enemy |
Fog Breath | Lowers dodge/aim greatly All enemies |
Focus | Phys attack damage more than doubles on the next turn |
Mana Gain | Raises MAX MP by 20% |
Counter | Enables random counterattacks Light damage |
Anti-Phys | Decreases Phys attack damage sustained by half |
Anti-Expel | Protects against Expel attacks |
Anti-Death | Protects against Death attacks |
Endure | Prevents death (1 HP remaining) 1 time only |
Life Refill | Heals HP gradually while walking |
Lucky Find | Locates treasure on the World Map (random) |
Charisma | Raises negotiation success rate |
Dark Pledge | User recruits enemy Most effective at new Kagutsuchi |
Detain | Prevents demon from running away with items |
Gonnection | User becomes more persuasive with enemy of same race |