Skill【Fog Breath】


Demons to learn Fog Breath (Mutation)

Mutant demons often learn the same skills as the normal version, but there are some demons that only join the mutant version and some demons (High Pixie, Lilith, Queen Mab) whose skills are learned differently by the mutant and normal individuals.

Race Lv Name HP MP Learning skills Resists
Genma 38 Kurama 306 165
  • Force:Drain
  • Expel:Null

Skills with the same attributes as Fog Breath

Makatora Shares 10 MP 1 ally
Tarunda Lowers Physical/ Magic attack All enemies
Sukunda Lowers dodge/aim All enemies
Rakunda Lowers defense All enemies
Dekaja Cancels -kaja effects All enemies
Tarukaja Raises Physical attack Entire party
Sukukaja Raises dodge/aim Entire party
Rakukaja Raises defense Entire party
Makakaja Raises Magic attack Entire party
Tetraja Protects against Expel/Death attack Entire party
Makarakarn Repels Magic attack on the next turn 1 time only
Tetrakarn Repels Phys attack on the next turn 1 time only
Dekunda Cancels -nda effects Entire party
War Cry Lowers Physical/ Magic attack greatly All enemies
Taunt Lowers defense/ raises Phys attack All enemies
Debilitate Lowers attack/ defense/dodge/aim All enemies
Provoke All enemies:lowers defense/raises Phys attack, user:heals MP
Guardian Raptor Cancels -nda effects Entire party
Red Capote Maximizes dodge/aim
Holy Star Cancels -nda effects Entire party
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