Tarukaja's Skill Mutation
Neither Skill Upgrade nor Skill Change (occur to Tarukaja).
Skills Upgrades to Tarukaja
No skill upgrades to Tarukaja.
Skills change to Tarukaja
Agilao | Type: Fire Mid damage 1 enemy |
Bufula | Type: Ice Mid damage 1 enemy |
Zionga | Type: Electric Mid damage 1 enemy |
Zanma | Type: Force Mid damage 1 enemy |
Life Gain | Raises MAX HP by 20% |
Bright Might | Phys attacks will be always critical at full Kagutsuchi |
Dark Might | Phys attacks will be always critical at new Kagutsuchi |
Anti-Fire | Decreases Fire attack damage sustained by half |
Anti-Ice | Decreases Ice attack damage sustained by half |
Anti-Elec | Decreases Elec attack damage sustained by half |
Anti-Force | Decreases Force attack damage sustained by half |
Skills with the same attributes as Tarukaja
Makatora | Shares 10 MP 1 ally |
Tarunda | Lowers Physical/ Magic attack All enemies |
Sukunda | Lowers dodge/aim All enemies |
Rakunda | Lowers defense All enemies |
Dekaja | Cancels -kaja effects All enemies |
Sukukaja | Raises dodge/aim Entire party |
Rakukaja | Raises defense Entire party |
Makakaja | Raises Magic attack Entire party |
Tetraja | Protects against Expel/Death attack Entire party |
Makarakarn | Repels Magic attack on the next turn 1 time only |
Tetrakarn | Repels Phys attack on the next turn 1 time only |
Dekunda | Cancels -nda effects Entire party |
War Cry | Lowers Physical/ Magic attack greatly All enemies |
Fog Breath | Lowers dodge/aim greatly All enemies |
Taunt | Lowers defense/ raises Phys attack All enemies |
Debilitate | Lowers attack/ defense/dodge/aim All enemies |
Provoke | All enemies:lowers defense/raises Phys attack, user:heals MP |
Guardian Raptor | Cancels -nda effects Entire party |
Red Capote | Maximizes dodge/aim |
Holy Star | Cancels -nda effects Entire party |
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