Damage simulator for boss battles


Damage Simulator for Manitou (Phys)

Receiving damage simulator

Enter deffence value and the moon phase to calculate the damage would be taken. "HP" value is only used for HP-dependent damage such as Meat Bullet, so you can change it if you don't need it.

The width of the damage (random number) is calculated near the maximum value. I formulated this tool to be as accurate as possible, but due to the processing of decimal points, there is an error of 1 to 2.

Name Skills Element Damage Range
Great Manitou Second Sun Strike 380 All
Great Manitou Megaton Press Strike 300 Row
Great Manitou Undefined Code Strike 210 Foe in F. Row
Great Manitou Spore Bullets Gun 25 All

Dealing damage simulator for Nemissa

ソウルハッカーズの悪魔 マニトゥ
ResSt++: Phys Wk++: Magic
Skills Lv Power Damage Range
Kurikara Kokuryu 75 46 3137 F. Row
Overlord 80 42 1031 F. Row
Agilao 35 46 783 Foe
Bufula 35 44 778 Foe
Zionga 35 44 778 Foe
Maragion 60 40 767 All
Mabufula 60 38 762 All
Mazionga 60 38 762 Center Spread
Maragi 27 15 702 Row
Mabufu 27 14 700 Row
Mazio 27 14 700 Foe Spread
Agi 7 5 677 Foe
Bufu 7 5 677 Foe
Zio 7 5 677 Foe
240,000,000 Evils 75 80 585 All
Megidola 58 75 575 Row
Megido 52 60 548 Foe
Full Moon Queen 75 120 331 All

Dealing damage simulator for Allies

ソウルハッカーズの悪魔 マニトゥ
ResSt++: Phys Wk++: Magic
Name Lv Skills Power Damage Range
Megami Izanami 83 Megidolaon 72 360 All
Reaper Mot 72 Megidola 75 350 Row
Deity Baal 73 Maragion 40 348 All
Deity Baal 73 Mabufula 38 345 All
Deity Baal 73 Mazionga 38 345 Center Spread
Megami Anat 71 Maragion 40 310 All
Vile Mada 77 Toasting Strike 255 272 F. Row
Vile Mada 77 Confusing Stumble 255 272 All
Herald Metatron 80 Mazionga 38 262 Center Spread
Tyrant Mitra 80 Megidola 75 254 Row
Entity Alilat 82 Megidolaon 72 250 All
Deity Vishnu 84 Mazanma 38 246 All
Entity Hachiman 76 Mazionga 38 238 Center Spread
Tyrant Nergal 73 Mabufula 38 222 All
Drake Ym 69 Mabufula 38 216 All
General Masakado 81 Demon Yell 36 213 Foe Spread
Jirae Muspell 67 Pyroclastic Tempest 38 207 Row (Back OK but F. Row only)
Deity Vishnu 84 Megidola 75 203 Row
Hero Huang Di 83 Megidola 75 203 Row
Lady Xi Wangmu 81 Necro Dogma 38 198 Foe Spread
Kishin Thor (3DS) 72 Zionga 44 194 Foe
Fury Shiva 85 Empty Wave 68 185 All
Fury Shiva 85 Megidola 75 180 Row
Drake Ym 69 Megidola 75 180 Row
Hero Rama 77 Brahmastra 48 180 Center Spread
Hero Huang Di 83 Empty Wave 68 173 All
Fury Susano-o 72 Mazionga 38 165 Center Spread
Entity Albion 70 Bamboo Slice 64 163 Foe
Kishin Marici 71 Thunderbolt 34 160 All
Kishin Thor (3DS) 72 Megidola 75 158 Row
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