Damage simulator for boss battles
Damage Simulator for Juggler
Receiving damage simulator
Enter deffence value and the moon phase to calculate the damage would be taken. "HP" value is only used for HP-dependent damage such as Meat Bullet, so you can change it if you don't need it.
The width of the damage (random number) is calculated near the maximum value. I formulated this tool to be as accurate as possible, but due to the processing of decimal points, there is an error of 1 to 2.
Name | Skills | Element | Damage | Range |
Jaki Lham Dearg | Bamboo Slice | Slash | 132 | Foe |
Jaki Lham Dearg | Zanma | Force | 99 | Foe |
Jaki Lham Dearg | Undefined Code | Strike | 79 | Foe in F. Row |
Foul Juggler | Scratch | Slash | 66 | F. Row from right |
Foul Juggler | Undefined Code | Strike | 56 | Foe in F. Row |
Jaki Lham Dearg | Mazan | Force | 55 | Row |
Dealing damage simulator for Nemissa

Name | Juggler |
HP | 830 |
Def | 86 |
Res | Nu: Expel, Death Wk: Ice, Fire, Elec |
Dealing damage simulator for Allies

Name | Juggler |
HP | 830 |
Def | 86 |
Res | Nu: Expel, Death Wk: Ice, Fire, Elec |
Name | Lv | Skills | Power | Damage | Range |
Genma Ba Da Wang | 23 | Toasting Strike | 255 | 186 | F. Row |
Tree Narcissus | 30 | Aeon Rain | 24 | 184 | All |
Lady Pele | 29 | Agilao | 46 | 184 | Foe |
Yoma Shiwanna | 32 | Maragi | 15 | 167 | Row |
Kishin Kotoshironusi | 33 | Mabufu | 14 | 164 | Row |
Spirit Dybbuk | 32 | Bufula | 44 | 149 | Foe |
Foul Douman | 26 | Maragi | 15 | 145 | Row |
Foul Douman | 26 | Mazio | 14 | 143 | Foe Spread |
Beast Dormarth | 32 | Loyalty Slash | 40 | 143 | F. Row |
Wood Skogsra | 30 | Mabufu | 14 | 135 | Row |
Element Undine | 24 | Loyal Ice | 24 | 132 | All |
Haunt Yaka | 29 | Bufula | 44 | 129 | Foe |
Fallen Forneus | 30 | Tackle | 12 | 126 | Foe (Back OK but F. Row only) |
Lady Pele | 29 | Maragi | 15 | 125 | Row |
Fallen Forneus | 30 | Zio | 5 | 118 | Foe |
Jaki Lham Dearg | 26 | Bamboo Slice | 64 | 115 | Foe |
Divine Principality | 29 | Mabufu | 14 | 114 | Row |
Snake Nozuchi | 29 | Squash | 20 | 113 | Splash Foe in F. Row |
Kishin Kotoshironusi | 33 | Deathbound | 24 | 111 | Center Spread |
Drake Tuna-Roa | 31 | Wrap Around | 28 | 110 | Splash Foe in F. Row |
Foul Urban Terror | 31 | Aim | 50 | 107 | Foe |
Element Salamander | 28 | Agilao | 46 | 105 | Foe |
Fairy Silky | 24 | Loyal Ice | 24 | 105 | All |
Undead Headless Rider | 24 | Aim | 50 | 105 | Foe |
Genma Nata Taishi | 30 | Missile Punch | 32 | 104 | Foe Spread |
Night Wild Hunt | 33 | Sneak Attack | 1 | 104 | All |
Element Undine | 24 | Bufu | 5 | 99 | Foe |
Flight Tuofei | 29 | Ice Breath | 20 | 98 | Splash Foe in F. Row |
Fallen Nisroc | 24 | Maragi | 15 | 98 | Row |
Snake Yato no Kami | 22 | Mazio | 14 | 97 | Foe Spread |

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