Damage simulator for boss battles


Damage Simulator for Juggler

Receiving damage simulator

Enter deffence value and the moon phase to calculate the damage would be taken. "HP" value is only used for HP-dependent damage such as Meat Bullet, so you can change it if you don't need it.

The width of the damage (random number) is calculated near the maximum value. I formulated this tool to be as accurate as possible, but due to the processing of decimal points, there is an error of 1 to 2.

Name Skills Element Damage Range
Jaki Lham Dearg Bamboo Slice Slash 132 Foe
Jaki Lham Dearg Zanma Force 99 Foe
Jaki Lham Dearg Undefined Code Strike 79 Foe in F. Row
Foul Juggler Scratch Slash 66 F. Row from right
Foul Juggler Undefined Code Strike 56 Foe in F. Row
Jaki Lham Dearg Mazan Force 55 Row

Dealing damage simulator for Nemissa

ソウルハッカーズの悪魔 ジャグラー
ResNu: Expel, Death Wk: Ice, Fire, Elec
Skills Lv Power Damage Range
Maragi 27 15 264 Row
Mabufu 27 14 261 Row
Mazio 27 14 261 Foe Spread
Agi 7 5 240 Foe
Bufu 7 5 240 Foe
Zio 7 5 240 Foe

Dealing damage simulator for Allies

ソウルハッカーズの悪魔 ジャグラー
ResNu: Expel, Death Wk: Ice, Fire, Elec
Name Lv Skills Power Damage Range
Genma Ba Da Wang 23 Toasting Strike 255 186 F. Row
Tree Narcissus 30 Aeon Rain 24 184 All
Lady Pele 29 Agilao 46 184 Foe
Yoma Shiwanna 32 Maragi 15 167 Row
Kishin Kotoshironusi 33 Mabufu 14 164 Row
Spirit Dybbuk 32 Bufula 44 149 Foe
Foul Douman 26 Maragi 15 145 Row
Foul Douman 26 Mazio 14 143 Foe Spread
Beast Dormarth 32 Loyalty Slash 40 143 F. Row
Wood Skogsra 30 Mabufu 14 135 Row
Element Undine 24 Loyal Ice 24 132 All
Haunt Yaka 29 Bufula 44 129 Foe
Fallen Forneus 30 Tackle 12 126 Foe (Back OK but F. Row only)
Lady Pele 29 Maragi 15 125 Row
Fallen Forneus 30 Zio 5 118 Foe
Jaki Lham Dearg 26 Bamboo Slice 64 115 Foe
Divine Principality 29 Mabufu 14 114 Row
Snake Nozuchi 29 Squash 20 113 Splash Foe in F. Row
Kishin Kotoshironusi 33 Deathbound 24 111 Center Spread
Drake Tuna-Roa 31 Wrap Around 28 110 Splash Foe in F. Row
Foul Urban Terror 31 Aim 50 107 Foe
Element Salamander 28 Agilao 46 105 Foe
Fairy Silky 24 Loyal Ice 24 105 All
Undead Headless Rider 24 Aim 50 105 Foe
Genma Nata Taishi 30 Missile Punch 32 104 Foe Spread
Night Wild Hunt 33 Sneak Attack 1 104 All
Element Undine 24 Bufu 5 99 Foe
Flight Tuofei 29 Ice Breath 20 98 Splash Foe in F. Row
Fallen Nisroc 24 Maragi 15 98 Row
Snake Yato no Kami 22 Mazio 14 97 Foe Spread
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