Damage simulator for boss battles


Damage Simulator for Gargantua Zero

Receiving damage simulator

Enter deffence value and the moon phase to calculate the damage would be taken. "HP" value is only used for HP-dependent damage such as Meat Bullet, so you can change it if you don't need it.

The width of the damage (random number) is calculated near the maximum value. I formulated this tool to be as accurate as possible, but due to the processing of decimal points, there is an error of 1 to 2.

Name Skills Element Damage Range
Zoma Gargantua Zero Aeon Rain Ice 51 All
Zoma Gargantua Zero Mabufu Ice 41 Row
Zoma Gargantua Zero Tackle Strike 28 Foe (Back OK but F. Row only)
Zoma Gargantua Zero Undefined Code Strike 25 Foe in F. Row

Dealing damage simulator for Nemissa

ソウルハッカーズの悪魔 ガルガンゼロ
NameGargantua Zero
ResDr: Ice Wk: Fire
Skills Lv Power Damage Range
Agi 7 5 110 Foe
Zio 7 5 73 Foe
Bufu 7 5 0 Foe

Dealing damage simulator for Allies

ソウルハッカーズの悪魔 ガルガンゼロ
NameGargantua Zero
ResDr: Ice Wk: Fire
Name Lv Skills Power Damage Range
Spirit Garrote 18 Maragi 15 108 Row
Divine Archangel 21 Heat Wave 24 82 Row from left
Haunt Churel 19 Agi 5 81 Foe
Jirae Koropokkur 13 Toasting Strike 255 74 F. Row
Wood Shan Xiao 20 Wrap Around 28 69 Splash Foe in F. Row
Night Sandman 21 Loyalty Gunshot 40 67 F. Row
Drake Bai Suzhen 21 Scratch 16 63 F. Row from right
Night Sandman 21 Happy Trigger 28 62 All
Femme Leanan Sidhe 19 Zan 5 61 Foe
Element Sylph (3DS) 21 Sonic Boom 16 61 Foe
Jaki Wendigo 19 Roundhouse 10 55 F. Row from right
Flight Gu Huo Niao 17 Wing Flap 40 54 F. Row
Flight Gu Huo Niao 17 Peck 35 53 Foe Spread
Holy Shiisaa 15 Feral Bite 30 52 Foe (Back OK but F. Row only)
Brute Bilwis 16 Mist Slash 20 52 F. Row from left
Fairy Pyro Jack 20 Maragi 15 49 Row
Jirae Puts 18 Gun Phone 10 49 Foe Spread
Night Sandman 21 Zan 5 48 Foe
Element Sylph (3DS) 21 Zan 5 48 Foe
Yoma Vodyanik 9 Drunken God Kick 255 46 Foe
Raptor Moh Shuvuu (3DS) 16 Loyal Electricity 24 46 All
Genma Bes 17 Roundhouse 10 45 F. Row from right
Holy Shiisaa 15 Scratch 16 45 F. Row from right
Element Sylph (3DS) 21 Hysterical Slap 8 45 F. Row from left
Fallen Shax 17 Zio 5 44 Foe
Element Sylph 20 Loyal Force 24 41 All
Beast Cunhur 15 Tackle 12 41 Foe (Back OK but F. Row only)
Fairy Pyro Jack 20 Agi 5 37 Foe
Fallen Seere 10 Agi 5 37 Foe
Femme Acheri 12 Agi 5 37 Foe
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