Skill【Drain Attack】


Demons to learn Drain Attack (Mutation)

Mutant demons often learn the same skills as the normal version, but there are some demons that only join the mutant version and some demons (High Pixie, Lilith, Queen Mab) whose skills are learned differently by the mutant and normal individuals.

Race Lv Name HP MP Learning skills Resists
Holy 27 Senri 216 123
  • Electric:W150
  • Force:Drain
  • Expel:Null
Vile 30 Arahabaki 294 120
  • Physical:Null
  • Fire:W150
  • Ice:Repel
  • Electric:W150
  • Force:W150
  • Expel:Null
  • Death:Null
  • Curse:W150
  • Nerve:W150
  • Mind:W150
Seraph 73 Uriel 558 291
  • Fire:Null
  • Expel:Repel
Entity 64 Albion 534 252
  • Physical:Null
  • Ice:Null
  • Expel:Null

Skills with the same attributes as Drain Attack

Life Bonus Raises MAX HP by 10%
Life Gain Raises MAX HP by 20%
Life Surge Raises MAX HP by 30%
Mana Bonus Raises MAX MP by 10%
Mana Gain Raises MAX MP by 20%
Mana Surge Raises MAX MP by 30%
Fast Retreat Raises odds of escaping from battle
Mind's Eye Lowers odds of being attacked from behind
Might Raises odds of critical hit
Bright Might Phys attacks will be always critical at full Kagutsuchi
Dark Might Phys attacks will be always critical at new Kagutsuchi
Attack All Improves normal attack All enemies
Counter Enables random counterattacks Light damage
Retaliate Enables random counterattacks Mid damage
Avenge Enables random counterattacks Heavy damage
Endure Prevents death (1 HP remaining) 1 time only
Lucky Find Locates treasure on the World Map (random)
Watchful User gains EXP (no participation in battle required)
Raidou the Aeon Increases damage of all attacks by 50% Pierce
Never Yield Prevents death (1 HP remaining) 1 time only
Son's Oath Increases damage of all attacks by 50% Pierce
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